Taekwonjitsu is connected with a range of associations and clubs who have a number of satellite clubs in various locations and suburbs around Melbourne, Victoria, Australia to cater to the needs of students. These clubs and associations operate with a professional approach while still caring about the well being of their students. To contact the club or association in your area please click on the links below:
East Bentleigh - NMAA HQ
Head Instructor : Geoff Hutchinson
To find out more details please check our info. page or contact us directly by email or phone
Mordialloc Martial Arts
Mordialloc is a thriving club based in Melbourne’s South East. It is run by Master David MacSporran – 6th Dan Black Belt, with a wide range of programs
West Footscray Club
Instructor : Graham Campbell
Lotus Martial Arts based in Footscray, Melbourne is run by Master Graham Campbell, 6th Dan Black Belt, whose unique talents offers many options to any student
Woori Yollock
Instructor : Peter Tomlinson
Golden Eagle is located in the leafy town of Woori Yollock on the outskirts of Melbourne. It is run by Master Peter Tomlinson, 7th Dan Black Belt, with a wide program for all students
Association: Inter.MA Alliance
International Martial Art Alliance is the Martial Arts Peak Body in Australia, providing a range of products and services, for associations, schools and clubs nationally.
Members Social Site
Members Social Site is now available to allow students to keep in contact and exchange comments,ideas and techniques. There is a lot of great info. there so come and join now.
Life Balance Starts Here
Life Balance Starts Here is now available to provide students with the next step towards their personal development in regaining and increasing their personal power, reduce stress, increase relaxation and gain more energy.
Advanced Defensive Tactics
Master:Paul Mracek
Advanced Defensive Tactics is now available in Australia through the only Australian representative – Taekwonjitsu and the IMA. It has now been opened up to people just like you, who are looking for a real impact in your self defense…then this is your next step!
Russell Stutely
Master:Russell Stutely
Russell Stutely has been acknowledged as Europe’s No.1 Expert on Pressure Points. He has pushed the boundaries of this amazing information and created opportunities for others to learn at a rate never even conceived of before.
Want to find out more than click here…