TaekownJitsu Training Programs & Specialised Services
“Pressure Point Defensive Tactics” – Now Available!
This is the ultimate hands on self protection system that has been taking Europe and the USA by storm, and getting rave reviews! This system is now exclusively available in Australia through Taekwonjitsu’s – Paul Mracek, PPDT & OCFM Certified Coach & Instructor. Learn to generate maximum impact and power with minimal effort. Learn Body Alarm Reactions, Biomechanics, Balance..and much more…that are Devastatingly Effective. Its the most effective and realistic system for self protection and defense that really works!
Find out more by visiting www.ppdt.taekwonjitsu.com for course information and timetable. Master Paul Mracek is also available to run in house this course, as well as seminars and workshops for your business, school, club,association. His courses and seminars and workshops are interactive and a lot of fun.
Contact Us Now: T: +61 3 9532 5476, Email: courses@ppdt.taekwonjitsu.com
Website: www.ppdt.taekwonjitsu.com

Seminars & Workshops
This is the ultimate hands on experience and opportunity to learn all the Hidden Secrets of the Masters. Learn about the Warrior Mindset – Black Belt Thinking to Personal Power and Excellence that you can tape into to…at work, home or play to achieve the outcomes that you have always wanted! Master Paul Mracek is now available for seminars and workshops for business, school, club,association to teach and demonstrate his insights, knowledge and wisdom. His seminars and workshops are interactive and a lot of fun. Contact Us Now: T: +61 3 9532 5476, Email: info@taekwonjitsu.com

Personal "One-on-One" Training
Are you looking to take your knowledge and skills to the next level? If you are just after more information without understanding and action then this is not for you! This is where you get the Advanced Knowledge one-on-one from Master Paul Mracek on Combat Flow, Waveforms, Body Alarm Reaction, Body Balance, Points of Vulnerability, Hitting Power and Energy. Each of these teachings are tailored over the sessions to suit your needs and knowledge and skill levels. These sessions are hands on practical sessions, for those who have a purpose, passion and persistence to achieve their goals.
Minimum session bookings apply!
Contact Paul Directly..Now: M: 0418 885 122, Email: paul@taekwonjitsu.com

The "Next Step" Black Belt Program
Have you got your black belt and now wondering what’s next? Then this program is designed for you, it’s what you have been looking for!..about..,Power, Combat Flow, Kata Secrets, Waveforms, Vital & Vulnerability Points, SSR, Warrior Mindset…and much more! These sessions are hands on practical sessions and designed to suit those who want to experience as well as learn the next step! To get started take the next step, take action and contact us now!
Minimum session bookings apply!
Contact Paul Directly..Now: M: 0418 885 122, Email: paul@taekwonjitsu.com

Coaching Program
Are you finding your not quite where you want to be in your business, school, club or personal life? Want to achieve great results but not sure why you can not, something always seems to be holding you back? Using the knowledge and techniques from the Warrior Mindset – Black Belt Thinking to Personal Power and Excellence we can give you the knowledge, skills and tools to work S.M.A.R.T and accelerate the outcomes that you want. To get started take the next step, take action and contact us now!
Minimum session bookings apply!
Contact Us..Now: T: +61 3 9532 5476, Email: info@taekwonjitsu.com

School, Club, Association and Business Management
Growing your School, Club, Association or Business needs constant development of your people, products, syllabus and services to be able to increase your students and revenue $$$’s levels. The challenge is getting help from someone who has an understanding and knowledge about Martial Arts and about schools/clubs/associations or business…until now! Master Paul Mracek has over 20 years of successful experience in growing organizations, developing systems, syllabus, people and communication that will take you business to the next level. Do you need support in your school/club or business? Are you serious about growing and increasing your revenue? Do you want someone who you can rely on for ongoing support?
Then Contact Us..Now: T: +61 3 9532 5476, Email: info@taekwonjitsu.com