Bruce Lee was fanatical or almost so about his training. Even early in his martial arts he believed in the significance of physical conditioning. Apparently after the challenge fight with another Chinese martial artists in Washington, he realized even with all the training he had done, he was not physically prepared to really fight.

It was at this point that he started into more serious training so he could be the best prepared that he could be. He read everything he could find about fitness and training and tried most of them searching for that edge. He aquired many different types of exercise equipment and had some special made for him to train with.

He worked out day and night; he could be sitting in front of the TV with his son Brandon and still be doing some type of work out. It is said that he was constantly trying things. During one stage of his life he was working out with weights a lot and his body weight had gone up to about 160lbs. That was much bigger than his normal size and he was not comfortable with it.

He eventually reduced his weight back down to his normal 136lbs to 138lbs range. Bruce’s wife Linda claims his waist measured between 26 and 28 inches. After losing this weight his perfect physique really became noticeable. He would train day and night including running, cycling and all the other things he did. With all the training he did, he has been known to say how important it is to let the body recover so it may heal and grow.

Discover how Bruce Lee developed his amazing physique at Bruce Lee‘s Feats. Tim Archbold’s lifelong interests are fitness training and health.

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