Studying philosophy was something Bruce lee was really interested in, just like his physical training he was always trying to develop his mind. He researched both western and eastern philosophies because he found importance in both. Remember he was a philosophy major at the University of Washington.
Bruce once said in an interview “ All knowledge ultimately means self knowledge.” Like his thoughts on taking all the best from different forms of martial art styles and using them to perfect his own style, he would study all forms of thought to better his own mental capability to expand his mind. He felt opening the mind would make you accepting to all possibilities, having a closed mind would keep you from learning.
Throughout Bruce’s adult life, he stated and wrote many quotes that he learned during his studies or he conceived from his own personal feelings. He really believed in these, philosophy helped shape his life and helped steer him to his great success.
If you have seen the TV show “Longstreet” which starred James Franciscus that ran 1970 -1971, you will have seen Bruce make several appearances. He always had a bit of philosophy that he would quote while he was teaching Franciscus’s character martial arts.
During his interview for the part of kato, Bruce is seen giving the interviewer bits of his philosophy.
Bruce lived and breathed expanding the mind and body. He believed it and was constantly looking for more information to pour over to help better himself. Early in his life he set a goal for his future, he knew what he wanted and would not let anything stop him.
Discover how Bruce Lee developed his amazing physique at Bruce Lee‘s Feats. Tim Archbold’s lifelong interests are fitness training and health.
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